A pharmaceutical client asked Motivate Design to help with the roll out of a new Digital Medicine product. The product is intended to help mental health patients adhere to their medications. It consists of a pill with a sensor that can send a signal to a patch when it has been digested. The patch communicates with a mobile app in real time. If a pill is not taken, the mobile app will remind the patient and give him or her options for next steps.
Bodystorming Workshops
As part of a team of Researchers and Designers I participated in full-day Bodystorming Exercises, where the stakeholders would act out the patient onboarding experience, with each person playing a role, from Customer Service Rep to the pill itself. This allows all the participants to empathize with the patient and all others involved and usually highlights potential problems in the experience early in the process.
Customer Care Center
An important part of the effort was to add a human-touch to helping patients stick to their medication regiment. This would be done via a dedicated representative assigned to each patient as part of onboarding. I led the effort to design a Customer Service Platform that would support the product and patient. Together with a Business Analyst, we gathered requirements from all the stakeholders and wrote up use cases for approval by the client. The client had chosen ServiceNow as the underlying technology for the system, so I based my designs on that platform. I created prototypes in Axure, walking through user flows for all our defined use cases.
Customer Care Center Homepage
Patch Diary
With the help of some sample placebo pills, patches and the mobile app, I played human guinea-pig for several weeks to test the product experience. I kept a detailed record of my experience, and collected my findings in a Patch Diary along with high-level findings and recommendations for improvement.
Sample Page from Patch Diary Recommendations
Customer Strategy
After conducting the Patch Diary, I looked at the Mobile App to see if there were other approaches we could take to improve adherence. One possible roadblock was that the patient had to repeatedly sign in to the app in order to interact with it. I proposed using mobile notifications to reduce the number of clicks and increase the chances of the patient actually recording their feedback. To illustrate the experience, I created a lo-fi interactive prototype in Axure and delivered it as part of a larger Strategy Document.
Prototype Screens for Digital Medicine App
I also included a Customer Journey Map to prioritize user needs at each stage of their recovery.
Customer Journey Map for a Digital Health Product